Meet the Chief!
Julia Spicer, Queensland’s Chief Entrepreneur
24 November 2022
The role of Queensland’s Chief Entrepreneur makes a significant impact to the innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem in Queensland.
The Chief Entrepreneur is the flag-bearer for innovation and entrepreneurship in Queensland. From helping founders take their first steps to get their business off the ground, to working with government and industry to identify valuable problems that can be solved with innovation, to connecting talent to companies and creating a supportive environment.
Julia Spicer has been appointed as Queensland’s fifth Chief Entrepreneur. Julia works with regional communities across the country on a range of projects, with the focus on identifying needs in business and implementing creative solutions to address them.
We sat down with Julia to find out more about what she’s most looking forward to in the role.
What were you doing before taking on this role?
I continue to run my consulting business, Engage & Create Consulting, and our co-working space, The Goondiwindi Business Hub (I do this in partnership with my husband). I sit on other NFP boards, Including Motherland Australia, and I’ve been part of the IAC as the regional representative.
What areas will you focus on during your term?
- Equitable access to the innovation ecosystem – assist all Queenslanders have access to the innovation ecosystem no matter where they are located or what their background is to drive the Queensland economy across all corners of the state.
- Sustainable and resilient innovation ecosystem – support businesses and the people behind them to grow and scale at a sustainable rate
- Building a culture of innovation and success locally and globally – shine a spotlight on the quality people and products that Queensland produces to the world stage and traditional Queensland industries to build a culture of innovation and success
- Accelerating Queensland’s unique natural capital market – explore how Queensland can lead the way in natural capital markets to make a positive impact to the environment
What sets Queensland apart in terms of innovation?
We have a ‘can do’ attitude – we have the answers to the world’s problems, we just need the opportunity to solve them! We can be leaders in alternative energy options, agtech, remote work models, the list goes on!
I believe we generally want to see each other succeed – we are good at helping others, we might need to get better at asking for help!
What opportunities do you see the innovation sector contributing to regional Queensland?
We have talented people, the opportunity to invite people to move to our regions for interesting work, we have a great quality of life and a diverse range of opportunities! There is untapped wealth in the regions that can be unlocked to grow Queensland.
The innovation sector can contribute new people and ideas, new thinking on old problems, and a way to amplify the stories of innovation across all of Queensland.